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  • ml-saaf

I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype

The Ted Talk above given by Canwen Xu delivers a common sentiment in the Asian-American community, especially the younger generations still in school, in a genuine, heart-to-heart account. There are no embellishments, no fancy components to the presentation. That's exactly what makes this talk so relatable and so powerful. Xu gives everyday examples of when she felt the effects of prejudice, and many of them aren't dramatic, tearful incidents, but small, seemingly insignificant ones that, in hindsight, affected her much more than she had thought.

The desire to conform is often a temptation that isn't so easy to shake off. It would be so much easier, it often seems, to completely assimilate to a different culture by changing who you are as a person. In the beginning, it may start out with outward appearances and language, but such efforts will soon burrow into the mind and the heart, into one's culture and background. Xu effectively points out the dangers of such conformity, especially when those around you expect you to be different, when they think of you within the stereotypical box of "Asian" attributes, one of which, for example, is excelling in math. She emphasizes the importance in forging your own path and staying true to yourself.

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